How would you expand if you were rooted in the fact that you are loved and enough?
Building a business in the online world can feel loud. Very loud at times. There’s a new trend around every corner and a shiny, slick, six-figure business owner telling you that their product is the only thing you need to succeed. Oh yes, they have “The Formula”.
You do your best to follow their advice. But when you’re done, your head is spinning with the list of “shoulds”, while you feel even more lost than you were before. And your business is veering off in a direction you really didn’t want to take it. You have created what I call an accidental business.
That was not what you wanted though. You wanted more from life, and your business was supposed to fit your life, not the other way around. Now you’re wondering if there might be another way. Your way. Where you build a business according to your own blueprint and values, rather than chasing someone else’s magic path to success.
You want to build a business that gets you excited on sunday night, to get going on another week. You want a business where you are comfortable, in charge, where you make money, and where you are you – in short – a business that feels like home.
The world needs you to be you
If you’re sick of marching to the beat of someone else’s drum and are ready start doing business in a way that feels like you – then you have come to the right place.
I help online entrepreneurs add hygge and heart to their business, so they can reclaim their freedom, uncover their purpose and focus on creating the impact only they can make. All while sipping a cup of something nice, and not missing the small moment of life.
I have helped clients:
– Take action on projects that have been stuck in the “dream” phase for years
– Build and manage successful teams who are empowered to do their best work in support of the big picture vision
– Execute a complete 180 in their business plans to align with a change in their life priorities
– Get out of a long-held rut and take action when they were were well and truly stuck
– Make choices that feel better in their gut, and so end up feeling better in the bank.
– Have the confidence to veer off the “safe” path and go for what they *really* want in their life.
Your business should fit your life, not the other way around. And to make that happen you need to switch off the autopilot and lead with hygge and intention.

How might I help you to the next level?
LEad Yourself
Leading yourself means having clarity on your vision and doing the work to make it happen. It’s stepping away from the noise and having confidence in the decisions you make – without letting external voices sway your judgement. You are the leader of your life, choosing your path with intention.
Only when you are truly confident in your ability to lead yourself can you successfully lead others. Whether that’s your team, your clients, your colleagues, your family… a strong leader knows how to support & empower people to do their best, developing their strengths and enhancing their unique skills so that the sum of the team is greater than its individual parts.
Hygge your business
Are you looking for a new way of doing business? Join the free 7 day “hygge your business” email course, where you get simple action steps to make your business feel more like you- a place where you really want to hang out.
Kind words
“Malene has an uncanny ability to help you uncover the big picture that you’re really striving for – not just in your business, but your life as a whole. She really, truly listens to everything you’re saying…but more importantly, to everything you’re NOT saying!
She helped me pull the pieces of my ideas together into a cohesive vision, and set me on a clearly marked path that I could start on immediately, to creating a business that was built around my strengths & values and is the perfect fit for me.
She’s positive, inspiring and motivating, always encouraging but endlessly practical, and I highly recommend her. “
“Malene is an experienced leader who helps people tap into their own leadership potential in a relatable, empathic way.
One of the things I loved about working with Malene is that she challenged me to think about my business differently.
Malene’s energy is logical, methodical and systematic – a much needed balance to my free-spirited creativity. Our brainstorming session helped me clarify what I wanted, and the steps that would help me get where I needed to be.
The outcome was a rethink of how I appeal to my ideal clients, and a new process for them to get to know me. Thank you Malene!“
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